1. | Plants | Pupils should be able to: 1. identify some plants by their common names in English and local language 2. name parts of a flowering plant 3. draw or sketch a flowerinq plant |
1. Names of common plants.
2. Parts of a flowering plant. |
1. Takes pupils round the school compound.
2. Helps them identify some plants and name their parts. |
1. Observe plants around the school compound.
2. Name some plants and identify their parts. 3. Draw one or two plants. |
l.Freshly up-rooted plant specimen e.g. water leaf, hibiscus, grass, etc.
2.Chart of a well labeled flowering plant. |
Pupils to:
1. name five local plants, 2. identify three parts of a plant, 3. draw a flowering plant. |
2. | Uses of plants. | Pupils should be able to:
1.. state some common uses of local plants 2. name some plants used by the family |
Uses of plant:
a. food for people, b. food for animals, c. medicinal uses, d. for building e. sold to make money. |
1. Tells pupils the danger of some plants to their health.
2. Tells pupils the uses of some medicinal Crops e.g. Neem, garlic, lime, lemon. |
1. Mention some plants that are dangerous to health e.g. Indian hemp, tobacco, poisonous plants
2. Mention some plants that can be sold for money e.g. groundnut, maize,. 3. Mention plants that are used as medicine, building material, live-animal food. |
Freshly up-rooted specimen of:
� Groundnut � plant, � maize plant, � cassava plant, � tobacco plant, � okro plant, Poisonous plant. |
Pupils to:
1. name some plants and give their uses, 2. name three harmful plants. |
3. | Farm Animals. | Pupils should be able to:
1. name some local farm animals. 2. classify farm animals into land and water living |
1. Types of farm animals.
2. Home of farm animals. |
1. Helps pupils identify some farm animals e.g. fish, chicken, goats, rabbit, pig, cow etc.
2. Guides pupils to classify the animals into land and water-Iivinq. |
1. Identify some farm animals e.g. fish, chicken, sheep, goats, cow etc.
2. Classify given animals into land and water living. |
1. Pictures of various farm animals.
2. Live specimens of animals (where available). |
Pupils to:
1. name five farm animals 2. group farm animals into land and water-living. |
4. | Uses of Farm animals | The Pupils should be able to:
1. state the uses of farm animals. 2. identify farm animals based on their uses. |
Uses of farm animals.
1. Food to people (chicken, rabbits, etc). 2. Transportation of farm produce (camel, donkey, horse, etc) 3. Work on the farm with farm implements (oxen, bullock, etc). |
Guides pupils to identify:
1. Food animals 2. Transport animals i.e. beast of burden 3. Animals that work on the farm |
1. Mention animals used as transpor,, as guard and as food.
2. Give names of animals that work on the farm with implements attached. |
3. Picture of animals used for transport, guard and food.
4 Pictorial display of animals with farm implements attached. |
Pupils to:
1. list three uses of farm animals 2. mention two farm animals that work on the farm. |
5. | Land and its uses. | Pupils should be able to: 1. State what land is. 2. Mention the types of land in their local areas 3. State the uses of soil/ and, rock, to the farmer. |
1. Meaning of land 2. Types of land: i. rocky and flat land, ii. swampy land, iii. dry land. 3. Uses of soil/land: i. farming ii. grazing iii. road construction iv. construction of farm structure structures, v. buildings. 4. Uses of rock/ stone to the farmer: i. grinding tomatoes, pepper, grains etc. ii. used by children in bird scaring in grain farms. iii. Cracking palm kernel nuts iv. Building farm structures v. Checking water erosion/ flood |
1. Explains the meaning of land 2. Leads pupils to describe the look of various local land types. 3. Asks pupils to mention the land types seen in their localities. 4. Leads pupils to mention the uses of land in their localities. 5. Asks pupils to mention the uses of Rock/Stone in their localities. |
1. Mention things found on the land 2. Describe the look of various land types in their areas 3. List the uses of land in their arenas. 4. Mention the uses of rock/ stone in their areas. |
1. Picture of land and body of water separated with brown and blue colours. 2. Pictures of rocky, dry, swampy, hilly and flat lands. 3. Pictorial display of farm land, animal grazing, houses, town or villages built on land. |
Pupils to: 1. explain what and is. 2. mention three types of land. 3. List five uses of land 4. mention five uses of rock/stone to the farmer. |
6. | Sun and its uses. | Pupils should be able to:
1. describe the sun. 2. state the uses of the sun to people. 3. state the uses of the sun to plants. |
1. The sun shines above the earth: i. an object that is far away from the earth. ii. Sends its hot rays to the earth. iii. Sun rise and sunset to give day and right. 2. Uses of the sun: |
1. Moves the pupils outside the classroom to locate the sun and feel the heat from it. 2. Keeps two cans containing green tomato seedlings in a closed box or cupboard, and two others exposed to the sun. 3. Tells pupils to observe and d~scribe the colour of tomato leaves after three days. |
1. Look at the sky to locate the sun and feel the heat from the sun. 2. Observe and describe the colour of the tomato leaves after three days. 3. Tell the difference between the colours of tomato plant kept in cupboard and exposed to the sun. 4. Pupils perform similar things at home using another plant. |
1. Four (4) cans filled with soil, cupboard or box. 2. Four(4) green tomato seedlings, water, 3. Charts, posters showing the sun and activities done under it e.g. drying of clothes, plants growing tall and green, people walking in day light. |
Pupils to: 1. describe the sun 2. state three uses of the sun 3. mention the colour of seedlings kept in boxes without ‘sunlight reaching them. 4. compare leaves of tomato seedlings growing in the garden with that kept in the box. |
7. | Air and its uses | Pupils should be able to: 1. feel the presence of air around them. 2. mention the uses of air. |
1. Feeling of air: We can feel the presence of air around us; i. through the waving of hands- fans, ii. blowing air from mouth. 1. Uses of Air: i. breathing . ii. inflate tyres, balloons, balls, iii. cools our body when we feel hot. |
1. Pours garden soil into a glass of water. Guide the Pupils to observe the bubbles as air escapes. 2. Heats some water in a bowl. Ask Pupils to report what they observed (bubbles). 3. Brings a balloon and ask a pupil to blow air into the balloon to make it big. 4. Leads the Pupils to explain why the balloon increased in size. 5. Tells the pupils to breath in and out three times and describe what they feel. |
1. Observe the activity set up by the teacher. 2. Observe and describe the results of the activities. 3. Observe and explain why the size of balloon is big. 4. Let a PUPIL use a bicycle pump topump air into a football bladder. 5. Observe and explain what they see. 6. Carry out the activity and explain what they observed. |
1. Garden soil, glass, water, bowl. Sources of heat, balloons. 2 Bicycle tube. 3. Bicycle pump |
Pupils to: 1. state that air in soil and water go out as bubbles 2. explain what makes a balloon to get big when air is blown into it. 3. list two uses of air to people. |
8. | Water and its uses. | Pupils should be able to: 1. identffy sources of water in their localities 2. mention the uses of water. 3. mention the dangers of unclean water |
1. Sources of water: � streams � rivers � lakes � ponds � dams � rainfalls � dug-up well � pipe-borne � water, etc. 2 .Uses of water: � drinking � cooking � transport � bathing � fishing � washing � plant and growth, etc. 3. Dangers of unclean water: i. ill health ii. causes diseases e.g. typhoid, cholera, guinea warm, bilhazias |
1. Takes pupils round the school and identffy sources of water. 2. Leads pupils to mention other sources of water not found in the school compound. 3. Asks pupils to mention the usage of water. 4. Places dry soil in two perforated cans and sow seeds of maize, beans or guinea corn in the cans. Add water to one of the cans and 1eave the other can without water. Ask Pupils to observe and describe what they see after 7 days. 5. Tells pupils to grow similar seeds with cans or pots in their homes. Add water to one and leave the other without water and make similar observations after seven days. 6. Guides the pupils to mention some common diseases contacted by drinking and bathing in unclean water e.g. gutter or muddy water. |
1. Move within the school premises and locate water sources. 2. Mention other sources of water around their homes. 3. Name uses of water in their homes. 4. Observe and describe what happened to seeds planted in each can. 5. Practice the experiment at home and report back their observations to the teacher. 6. Give reasons for results obtained. 7. Mention some common diseases in their localities associated with drinking or bathing with unclean water. |
1. Perforated cans, pots, seeds of beans, maize, guinea corn, water, soil, etc. 2. Pictorial display of fishponds. 3. Pictures of people traveiing by boats and canoes. 4. Pictures of people using water at home. |
Pupils to: 1. mention four sources of water 2. mention thei mportance of water in seed germination and growth 3. name four uses of water. 4. name three diseases that can be contacted by drinking or bathing with unclean water. |
9. | Food | Pupils should be able to: 1. state what food is 2. give examples of local food items. |
1. Meaning of food-items eaten by people and animals in order to live. 2. Examples of local food items for people-cassava, yam, maize, beans, rice, guineacorn, etc. 3. Examples of food eaten by animals-grasses, cassava and cassava leaves, yam peel, plantain peels, remnant of fish or meat, insects, earthworms. |
1, Explains the meaning of food. 2. Mention some food items animals feed in their homes, |
1. Mention some of their local food items.
2. Mention some food items animals feed on in their homes. |
1. Posters, Charts and samples of various local foods items, 2. Samples and charts of various food items eaten by animals. 3. Pictorial display of animal grazing on pasture. Pupils to: |
1. state what food is. 2. name six local foodstuffs. 3. list six food items eaten by animals in their homes. |